Community Voices in Health Governance  Translating Community Participation into Practice in a World of Pluralistic Health System

COMPLUS, Community Voices in Health Governance, is a multi-country, multi-city research project led by a consortium of academic, research and action institutions in Brazil, India and South Africa.

COMPLUS will examine the changing scape of health systems delivery, particularly the new ways in which public and private care are combined, and what potential role can institutionalised community participation can play in contributing to system effectiveness. COMPLUS will research on what role community participation can play to help foster alignment of bureaucracies, communities and health professionals around improving population health and well-being.

A very happy new year to all our followers. The Indian team ended 2024 with a training for field staff and community health committees on domestic violence and how it links to mental health. Trainings are a great way to decipher technically complex subjects such as health


Community members in Cape Town have discussions around the National Health Insurance, trying to understand it better, how can they better participate, and how can community participation be made more effective and the barriers to participation be addressed!


Community Dialogue at Gqberha, Eastern Cape, with clinic committee members to discuss community participation in plural health systems. Over a 100 members from across 36 clinics participated in the dialogues at Mendi Arts Centre in New Brighton


In the conference season, our Co-PI Vera presented the paper "Sustaining Progressive Health Policies: Exploring Policy Governance in the Context of Brazil’s Health Care System" at the 75th IPSA Anniversary Conference

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